Anonymizing Interview Data: Challenges and Compromise in Practice
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Who It’s For: Experienced researchers working with large amounts of data who are looking to increase participants’ privacy within their research design.
Why We Love It: It defines anonymity within a research context and provides 6 key areas to consider when deciding on which aspects of studies to keep private. These areas are greatly elaborated on, so by the end of the article the reader will have a thorough understanding of which areas of their research require greater data security. Takes into consideration different participant groups who would wish to typically remain anonymous, and how to work with them, such as individuals of certain cultural/religious backgrounds, and individuals working in taboo industries.
Citation: Sanders, B., Kitzinger, J., & Kitzinger, C. (2015). Anonymizing interview data: Challenges and compromise in practice. Qualitative Research, 15(5), 616-632. Doi: 10.1177/1468794114550439.
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