Mental models, cognitive maps, and quantitative analysis
Link to Journal Article Here (through McMaster) and Here (non-McMaster)
Who it’s for: Learners with a fundamental understanding of mental models who want to learn how to externally portray and analyze them.
Why we love it: This paper begins by overviewing cognitive maps as a tool to create externalized portrayals of individuals’ mental models. The authors then explore and critically evaluate various network-based quantitative methodologies for analyzing mental maps. The authors use the example of a complex socio-environmental issue evaluated by 30 graduate students, with accompanying causal diagrams and analysis. This article does a great job of overviewing current methodologies and highlighting where they fall short.
Citation: Haque, S., Mahmoudi, H., Ghaffarzadegan, N., & Triantis, K. (2023). Mental models, cognitive maps, and the challenge of quantitative analysis of their network representations. System Dynamics Review, 39(2), 152–170.
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