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Basic Qualitative Toolkit

Welcome to the Qualitative Toolkit Resources.

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We hope this serves as a robust repository for your research requirements.

Resource Listing

Observant participation and hybrid ethnography

A lecture on observant participation, with discussion on how it differs from participant observation and how the two approaches can be combined for a hybrid approach.

How situationalism can aid qualitative interviewing

A detailed lecture overviewing an interactionist/situationist critique of qualitative interviews and providing practical advice for interviewing.

Critical discourse analysis in education

An article discussing the use of critical discourse analysis in research on education. Discuses the definitions, theories, and methodologies that have been used.

How to do a discourse analysis

A short article presenting a step-by-step guide to conducting a discourse analysis, with specific guidance on using it as a tool to study political texts.

How to write up a discourse analysis

A video lecture providing a detailed guide on writing a discourse analysis. The video includes a step-by-step walkthrough of an example paper with helpful annotations.

What is discourse analysis? (book)

A book providing a comprehensive overview of discourse analysis, from theory to methodology and criticism. Chapters are short, to the point, and available online.

What is discourse analysis? (video)

A short introductory video on discourse analysis. The speaker defines what “discourse” is and discusses different methodological approaches.

Systemic social observation of civil society

A lecture on systematic social observation (SSO) and how this tool was adapted to collect comparable data from civil society organizations.

An introduction to field notes

A short article discussing different types of field notes, how to take high quality field notes to enhance your research, and topics for ethical consideration.

Introduction to meta-ethnography

An article providing an in-depth introduction to meta-ethnography, discussing different types of meta-ethnographies and its various methodological stages.

Multilevel models for the analysis of comparative survey data

An article providing an accessible introduction to multilevel models, with tips on how to addres common methodological challenges.

Estimating a multilevel model with complex survey data

An article providing an in-depth overview of multilevel analysis, with applied examples using the the TIMSS dataset.

Secondary analysis of national survey datasets

A short article discussing biases that arise with secondary analysis of large national survey datasets and related considerations.

Secondary data analysis: a method of which the time has come

A detailed article presenting a simple process for using secondary data to answer research questions.

How to analyze survey data

An article proposing an easy 5-step process for analyzing simple survey data. Also includes helpful tips to design effective surveys.

Sampling methods and bias with surveys

A crash course on common survey sampling methods and related biases. Presented in a fun, accessible, and engaging way!

How to choose a representative subset of the population

An article providing an easy-to-follow introduction to survey sampling techniques.

Survey sampling methods

A short and straightforward lesson on key concepts for survey sampling methods and an overview of related statistical parameters (includes text and a video).

Addressing sensitivity bias on surveys with Dr. Gustavo Diaz

A detailed lecture on the problem of sensitivity bias in surveys and how to address it at the analysis stage.

Addressing sensitivity bias on surveys with Dr. Matthew Nanes

A detailed lecture on the problem of sensitivity bias in survey design and how to address it at the design stage.

Survey sequence, flow, & style tips

An article discussing practical considerations for question ordering and flow, with discussion on how to limit bias in responses.

Writing survey questions

An article providing a plain language overview of question design and methodology, with examples showing how small changes in wording can make a big difference.

Writing good survey questions

A short video covering the “ground rules” of survey design. Discusses different question types and provide tips to write good questions.

Designing a questionnaire or survey

A short video proposing a 5-step process for designing a questionnaire or survey, with examples for each step.

‘The problem-centred expert interview’ & expert knowledge

An article proposing an intersection between the problem-centered interview and an expert interview: the ‘problem-centred expert interview’.

The problem-centered interview

A detailed yet accessible article providing a basic introduction to problem-centered interviews, with discussion on appropriate instruments and analyzing results.

Cognitive interviews offline and online

A detailed lecture overviewing cognitive interviewing as a method to pretest survey questions, with discussion on web probing.

Cross-cultural cognitive interviewing

An accessible article introducing cognitive interviewing (CI) and its methodology, and how it can be applied to cross-cultural research.

Better interviews: tips for listening with Allison Van

A detailed video workshop on how to conduct better interviews, with 10 tips on “embracing the beginner’s mind” as an interviewer.

Implementing in-depth interviews (IDIs) well

A short video discussing how to conduct IDIs well, with tips on how to build trust, prepare interview questions, and record responses.

Better interview questions with Allison Van

A detailed video lecture on how to conduct better interviews. Includes discussion on positionality and a “easy advice” to elevate your skills.

Using in-depth interviews (IDIs) in your research

A short video on how to use IDIs as an effective research tool. Discusses appropriate research questions and sampling considerations.

Qualitative interview techniques

An online textbook chapter providing a detailed overview of qualitative interviews, with step-by-step instructions on how to create an effective interview guide.

An introduction to interviews

An article providing an introduction to interviewing in research. Includes an overview of different types of interviews and resources to learn about each one.

Direct research support services – Spark

Researchers have access to a variety of (free) services at Spark to support their work, including research conversations, software licenses, and trainings.

Develop a Q methodology study

A short article overviewing Q Methodology and describing how to use it with a group of research participants. Includes links to other helpful resources and papers.

Good practices in participatory mapping

A comprehensive, yet accessible, article that introduces participatory mapping, provides helpful tools, and discusses best practices and processes.

What is ideation – and how to prepare for ideation sessions

An article providing a detailed introduction to ideation, with steps on how to prepare for a session and different models to try.

Developing facilitation skills

An article discussing how to develop good facilitation skills, with step-by-step instructions on how to facilitate a meeting and deal with difficult situations.

Using focus groups in program development and evaluation

A step-by-step guide on running a focus group session, with example questions, a planning checklist, and mistakes to avoid.

A practical guide to focus-group research

An article providing a detailed and practical overview of focus groups, discussing when to use focus groups and how to plan a session.

Analyzing qualitative data: with or without software

A slide deck discussing how to analyze qualitative data, with discussion on best practices.

How to visualize qualitative data

This article is a source of creative insights for qualitative data visualization from the journalism field, with a ton of examples.

Visualizing your qualitative data

An article providing creatives insights into qualitative data visualization, with different visualization types and journalistic examples.

Qualitative data analysis – comparison chart

An accessible and detailed chart showing the pros and cons of different software. Use this to pick the ideal tool, access software tutorials, and find relevant resources.

What qualitative data analysis software can and can’t do for you

A short video for beginners discussing the functions and limitations of qualitative data analysis software.

Choosing qualitative data analysis software

A short video discussing the pros and cons of qualitative data analysis software. The video helps you answer key questions before choosing your research tools.

An introduction to codes and coding

A book chapter providing an accessible yet in-depth overview of the coding process, with relevant examples and methodological and software considerations.

Essential guide to coding qualitative data

An article providing step-by-step instructions to coding qualitative data. The article explains difficult topics simply and discusses mistakes to avoid.

Qualitative data analysis methods

An article overviewing six foundational qualitative analysis methodologies, with example videos and guidance for choosing the right method.

Guidelines on anonymity and confidentiality in research

A guide overviewing anonymity and confidentiality in research, with discussion on best practices and practical considerations.

Safety guide for conducting community based research

An accessible guide on safety considerations for community-based researchers, discussing topics from the weather to emotional wellbeing.

Privacy and confidentiality

An FAQ by the Government of Canada (as part of TCPS 2) discussing legal considerations related to research practices and their implications on study design.

Anonymizing interview data

An article discussing how to maintain anonymity in qualitative research, using the example of interviews conducted in highly sensitive contexts.

Trauma informed interviewing techniques

A guide for interviewing individuals who have experienced trauma. Includes a series of videos, a written guide, a set of reflection questions, and links to further resources.

Compensation and reimbursement of research participants

An article providing an overview of different questions to consider when it comes to participant compensation and reimbursement.

The use of incentives in research

A short blog post discussing different approaches to incentivize research participants. Includes ethical considerations on different approaches.

Stakeholder mapping and analysis

A short article overviewing how to identify stakeholders and their relationship to the project. Includes a stakeholder assessment tool with an applied example.

What is a stakeholder analysis?

A short video providing a step-by-step guide to conducting a stakeholder analysis, including how to identify, prioritize, and understand stakeholders.

Understand and engage stakeholders

A blog post presenting new perspectives on stakeholder engagement. Includes links to different methodologies to help you engage stakeholders.

Types of research design in research methodology

A blog post providing a basic introduction to different types of research approaches (e.g., descriptive versus experimental) and research designs.

Research design and research methods

A book chapter comparing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research designs. The chapter emphasizes characteristics that make “good research”.

Identifying context in research

A short video overviewing research context and its implications. The video provides instructions on how to identify and write a rich description of your research context.

The Non-Monogamy Letters

A series of letter exchanges between researchers across continents, this artistic piece provides a creative and challenging example of the process of “writing with”.

“Collaborative Writing as Hope and Resistance”

An article providing a creative introduction to the practice of “writing with” as an extension of autoethnographic and qualitative inquiry methodologies.

“Learning about Autoethnography” & “Writing an Autoethnography”

Two papers presenting an autoethnography on the autoethnographic writing process.

Autoethnography as embodied qualitative inquiry

A short lecture situating autoethnography among other ethnographic methods and discussing its strengths.

Introduction to reflective writing

A short video providing a basic introduction to reflective writing. Provides a step-by-step guide to the reflective process alongside example excerpts.

Reflexivity for interpretive researchers

A blog post providing a detailed introduction to reflexivity and techniques that support reflexivity in the research process (with applied examples).

Practising reflexivity: Ethics, methodology and theory construction

A personal account of applying reflexivity to qualitative research that discusses how reflexivity can add to the knowledge construction process.

Transparency and positionality in qualitative team coding

Practical approaches to promote transparency and positionality in team coding, with an introduction to the “Living Codebook”.

Positionality in qualitative research

A short video providing a detailed overview of positionality, its different constructs, and how it affects the research process (with helpful examples).

Interview versus survey

A short plain-language guide to help you select between interviews and surveys for your research. The guide includes a helpful table listing key methodological features of each research design.

What Is mixed methods research

A short lecture on the essentials of mixed methods research. Discusses the advantages of mixed methods research and provides an overview of basic research designs.

Mixed Methods And Survey Research In Community Health

A short guide discussing how survey data can be combined with qualitative data to conduct mixed methods research.

Positionality and research – how our identities shape inquiry

Short videos that provide an introduction to positionality in the research process and how to write a positionality statement.

How to use and assess qualitative research methods

A plain-language guide providing an introduction on how to use and assess different qualitative research methods in the health sciences.

Ten key steps to writing a protocol for a qualitative research study

A step-by-step guide to develop a research protocol for a qualitative study, with an applied example and key considerations.