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Spark: a centre for social research innovation connects researchers to the people, skills and tools needed to stand at the forefront of social research innovation. Through partnerships, training, and consultation, our mission is to engage with researchers and the community to expand methodological boundaries and harness the full power of social research to build a brighter world.

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Spark Annual Reports

Here you can read any of Spark’s Annual Reports to get an overview of our achievements and initiatives. Learn about our collaborative efforts, community partnerships, and plans for the future in a clear, concise format. Gain insights into how Spark is contributing to advancements in social research and supporting the academic community.

Meet Our Team

Ver-Se Denga Headshot

Ver-Se Denga

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Michelle Dion Headshot

Michelle Dion

Academic Director | Professor | Senator Wm. McMaster Chair in Gender & Methodology

Evan Gravely Headshot

Evan Gravely

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Saud Haseeb Headshot

Saud Haseeb

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Lynn Holland Headshot

Lynn Holland

Administrative Officer & Communications Team

Eric Lee

Administrative and Communications Associate

Jordan Lentinello Headshot

Jordan Lentinello

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Araya Nahor

Brighter Spark Applied Research

Allison Van Headshot

Allison Van

Executive Director, Spark: a centre for social research innovation

Lily Wang Headshot

Lily Wang

Secure Empirical Analysis Lab (SEAL) Manager